(1) Application for free trial

The free trial lesson will be 4 weeks for 1 month in the form of entering a regular class. At the end of the 4th week, if you wish to continue, you will be asked to pay one month's monthly fee (see here for monthly fees and how to pay), and if you do not intend to continue, it will end there. If you have any questions or requests, please use the "Contact Us" menu on the left side of the screen. Please create a Google account before the experience. We offer safe pre-practice support for your use.

(2) Free trial

Depending on the desired date and time and the grade of your child, we will decide the trial class. Due to capacity, we may not be able to meet your request. note that. *Details such as the date and time of the decision will be sent by e-mail.

(3) Provisional registration

Temporary registration is required for those who wish to officially enroll. At our school, we offer group lessons with 4 to 5 people per class, so we cannot guarantee a formal contract at the time of your application.

(4) Registration

We will contact you by email once the new class has been decided. Due to the number of people, some people may not be registered (*2) For those who are registered, the official contract will be made when the monthly payment method is confirmed in addition to the initial monthly fee payment. Click here for information on monthly fees and payment methods.

(5) Communication settings

Before taking the class, please take an online connection test on the Google Meet screen (required time is about 20 minutes, children do not need to participate). As soon as we can confirm the connection, we will send you an invitation to the Google Classroom and participating classes.

(6) Course start

It's time to start taking classes. For the first time, please start up your PC and prepare 10 minutes before the start of class.
※ 1 If you can not experience your desired experience, we will consult with you about private lessons separately.
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